
France 2006 Boat Page:

This page is for the photos of the boat we had and descriptions of the boat.

Cindy and Danielle had the Saloon area for sleeping, the 'sofa' converted to their double bed.
You can see they stored all their luggage under the 'sofa' every day.
The functional kitchen area, with gas fired fridge, running hot/cold water, and gas stove.
Scott & Kate's area had a single bed mounted crossways above their double bed.  they used this
as the staging area for all their luggage and such.  Their room also included one of 2 restrooms. 
They were quite clean and functional, though small.
One significant flaw, the company forgot to install the shower curtains.  As we had planned on finding
land based ones anyway, it wasn't a huge deal.  The ones on the boat were certainly more sanitary
than those we found in towns along the way, however.  Also, with a 150+ gallon tank, showering 6 every
day on the boat, along with dishes and such, would have depleted our water daily.  The other minor issue
was the towels.  The brochure indicated the boats had towels, but these were the dish towels, not bath
towels.  Another 'lost in translation' moment.  We simply bought the cheapest towels we could find.
Cindy and I had the forward cabin.  It also had a restroom (left hand door handle) with shower
(missing curtain) and it had the only in room sink.  Very useful for getting everyone going faster in the morning.

Below are the 2 plans we had to chose from, I chose plan A with 2 double beds in the cabins and a convertible double in the saloon.