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France photos for April 16th through April 17th.

    Easter Sunday, April 16th 2006, we departed O'Hare for Paris.  We arrived in Paris on schedule on Monday morning, the 17th.  We collected our bags, purchased our 5 day Métro/RER unlimited train pass, hopped the train to the center of Paris and started a day of sightseeing.  Remember, Easter Monday is a National Holiday in France, so many places were not open, but the weather was beautiful, so we stowed our bags at the hotel, walked the city, caught the Métro/RER, and had an awesome day.  Cindy and I have found that staying up as late as possible the first day helps to reset the body clock and avoid jet-lag.  Seemed to work for us this time, too!

Here's our aircraft, on the        Cindy (G) and Danielle get Business   Russ and Cindy enjoy
gate, almost ready to go!         Class and are treated like Royalty!    the treatment up front too!
                                         The number of times their eyes were as
                                         wide as saucers, because of the next course or amenity,
                                         became too high to count.

After Customs and immigration, it's off to the train to Paris from  Cindy's (G) first look at a monument
Charles De Gaulle airport.                                                          in Paris, and what a monument!
                                                                                               L'Arc de Triomphe (Arch of Triumph)

Not an uncommon site, people   Here's our Hotel, Hotel Riviera!  Great price and awesome location.
dragging their roll-aboard          Two hints, ask for private toilet and non-smoking room, as the French
luggage through the streets        people show no signs of stopping smoking.
of Paris.                                   I bet Mom loves that idea!

Above and below are photos of
the Arch of Triumph. (L'Arc de Triomphe)
Danielle hangs at L'Arc!            The Eternal Flame for L'Arc &       Cindy and I love this area!
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Cindy (G) 'touches' her first             View down the Champs Elysées. Danielle at the tunnel to
French monument!                                                                    L'Arc!


Yep, they park on the sidewalks.    I really love those little SMART cars!  You only need to be
                                                   14 years old to drive one!
Cool aren't they!                  BMW street scooter with 'shell'.   Weird sight, a licensed ATV on
                                                                                           streets of Paris!  And it's Legal!

Neat Catholic Church, Saint-Ferdinand-des-Ternes,  right near the Hotel.  The bells tolled perfectly right
when we walked by.
After we left for Brittany, they had an exhibit for the Shroud of Turin would have like to have seen.
We would have gone in, but services were underway.

The garden and fountain of the Theatre Marigny.

Danielle waits for us to read       Danielle with the flowers.    A very common sight, Danielle
the map...                                                                          with a camera!

Photos above and below of Place de la Concorde.


First real view of the Eiffel       Cindy (G) marveled at the           Can you tell Cindy
Tower from afar.                      efficient use of space on tight     just LOVES PARIS?!
                                               corners and such.  Not a lot of
                                               right angles on the streets.

Above and below are photos of the Bridge of Alexander the 3rd (Pont Alexandre III).
A beautiful bridge with gold gilded icons on the bridge corners and facades.
Now that's a heck of a broadsword she's holding!

In the park at one end of the      American Memorial to French     Hotel Invalids (Les Invalides)
above bridge are several            soldier/statesman LaFayette.     King Louis 14th founded buildings for
monuments, I haven't found                                                       injured French military personnel.
more on this one yet.                                                                Also burial place of Napoléon.

We take a moment together.    The French National         I like the shot Cindy (G) took.
                                              Assembly building.

Cindy (G) discovers what Boulanger means!  (Bakery and Pastry shop)!  Russ was there for the
croissants and espresso!  The girls found sweeter delights.  Pain au Chocolate, hot chocolate, etc.
Even the McDonalds has a nice   Ask Cindy (G) about the              We loved this water clock!
outdoor eating patio with          Harley Davidson shop in Paris!     in a shopping mall we saw
flowers and such.                      You'll love the story!!                 while we were passing through.

Silly tourists always pointing!      Danielle chills for another          OK, it wasn't THAT BAD!
                                               staged photo op!

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