Friday, April 21st, 2006
Scott & Kate arrived today. They were a tad late, but no big deal, it gave us the opportunity to 'sleep in' and catch up on some post cards and e-mail. They also didn't get 'upgraded' for the flight like we did, but that didn't seem to slow them down at all. We had a VERY busy day. We started by stowing their luggage in our room, and then a quick bite, mostly for Kate, and then off we were on foot as well as via the Métro/RER.
Bastille Notre Dame St. Etienne Panthéon Luxemburg Gardens St. Séverin
Our morning breakfast spot.
Place de la Bastille, memorial of the fall of the Bastille
Yup, the window I hit and Here's the
Bistro Roman,
although a 'chain', we enjoyed the
explained in the previous food, dessert and
'entertainment' of the young man slamming
into the pane window on a skateboard,
explained in the previous
days adventures.
The Conciergerie
Us in front of the
Palais de Justice!
And not visible but on the
left side of the photos is
Sainte Chapelle, resting place of the
Crown of Thorns of Christ. I didn't know this at the time or we
would have stopped in!
Notre Dame
Notre Dame
de Paris
Our first glimpse of the Grand Lady of Paris as a group. She really is an
amazing monument.
Here's how the boys wait in line for the tower of Notre Dame. Kate sneaks
a sip.
Scott paid €18 for 2 BEERS! Better him than me! Tasted quite nice to
me... All hail 1664!
Here's how the girls wait... A couple
really cool gargoyles wait for the rain.
The obligatory shots from the tower of us.
Lots of gargoyles. Of course, they aren't 'technically' gargoyles, as they
are not gutter spouts.
Gargoyles are actually the ends of gutter drains, with make the 'gargling'
I love these photos Cindy (G) took, I just wish we'd gotten one of her as well.
And how she got the shots...
Tower in the
Now, in the belfry. Yup, close enough to touch!
The inside shot of the Bell. How it looks
when you step in And the eyes adjust...
And Danielle coming out of
from the bright sunlight.
the belfry.
Above, the 3 pairs of travelers in front of the Grand Lady.
Below, 2 really good shots of the flying buttresses.
The gardens in the back of Notre Dame. They really were
Scott was asked to take a photo
amazing and in full bloom!
of some tourists from down under.
These are some of my favorite shots of her.
Now that's a Hookah!
This is a gorgeous old church we stopped in between seeing the front exterior of
Notre Dame and
walking the Seine to view the flying buttresses and back half of the Notre Dame.
The architecture, columns and stonework were stunning.
The windows were more 'modern' than I prefer, but the organ and clock were
absolutely fantastic!
The twisted column is unique to
Sainte Séverin and site directly behind the altar,
with a hanging Cross
above and in front of it.
We walked by, but not in the
There was a fee to Wherever Scott pulled out
enter and we had lots more to see!
for food, Danielle was not far away...
Here are pictures of part of the University of Paris. I liked the
architecture. They were
right in front of the
if I recall.
Saint Etienne
Eglise de Saint-Etienne du monte
This church was dedicated to
Sainte Geneviève, patron Sainte of Paris, who is credited with
protecting Paris from the barbarians. When we entered, there was actually a wedding in
It was very strange to not have some indication of a ceremony is in progress
prior to entering.
Luxemburg Garden
Jardins et Palais du Luxembourg
Lunch on the way, and they I just like
this photo.
I have to find a map with this
were out of everything we
tiny church, there was what
asked for....
appeared to be a funeral service
when I walked in...
The girls with glace!
The main piscine (pool).
Palais de Luxembourg.
Awesome Palace! Dozens
of amazing statues
They rent little sail boats to
the pool and grounds.
play on the water. Quite quaint..
Lion of Belfort at Place Denfert-Rochereau. This is also where the
Catacombs are! They were closed that day,
but later in the trip, we made it there!
My favorite book
Tower was lit up and Waiting for a
Metro train...
flickering! Danielle shot video
of it, but they're about 42meg each!
Too large for here...
Bastille Notre Dame Pantheon St. Etienne Luxemburg Gardens St. Severin