Here are the current tractors I have, whether running or not...
Photos will be placed here in the near future... I've got to shoot some more current ones and find the old ones.
First machine I actually bought is a 1969 Ford (now New Holland) industrial model 3400 with a front end loader, box blade, flail mower, roto-tiller and cab. As of now, the tractor runs great, look awesome with the great paint job compliments of my dad! Also, the flail mower is now seeing weekly duty at the properties my brother Scott has and needs to maintain. The front end loader hasn't seen enough time but I hope to finish it this fall and bolt it back on. I bought the gears (yikes, these were WAY pricey!!!) for the tiller, but haven't had time to repair and set it up as is needed. I'm sure some replacement tilling tines will be needed as well. The cab is the least important and in the worst shape, so it will wait a while.
Next, I bought 2 tractors at once, neither of which were in running condition.
1946 Massey Harris model 101 Junior Row Crop (101 Jr. RC). This is one of the odd ball machines, as it only has one front tire, but she runs like a top, and is simply waiting the time needed to clean the sheet metal and paint her up for the parades and shows...
1951 Case model SC: This one needed TONS of work, and my dad has been the principal on this one, as well as the Massey. It needed a piston and sleeve assembly, but the original sleeve is no longer available, so I had to oversize one assembly. As they don't really turn that fast, I'm not too worried about out of balance issues. I bought a second of the same model for parts. Oddly enough, it's actually in better shape, but didn't have as many options so we're still keeping the original and stripping the second. After the usable parts are removed, I'll be selling the carcass for either scrap or to another desperate tractor individual...
Who knows what the next tractor will be, but rest assured my father is 'dreading' the day another machine drops into his back yard<G>...
Well, I did buy a little lawn/garden tractor from the neighbor. It's a 2 cylinder Craftsman that gets more use as a trailer hauler and such than actually mowing the lawn. I really don't think riding mowers do that nice of a job on the lawn like a walk behind does. Besides, I certainly need the exercise...