The Great Ocean Road, or at least part of it.
Here's the little road trip we took upon arriving and getting our bearings. David had to continue working, so Lesly, the boys, cindy and I went off exploring the area.
We drove out to Port Campbell, about a 3 hour straight through drive. Of course, it took us most of the day, with the stops and such. We stopped multiple times along the way to eat, explore and such...
First scenic stop:
We just decided to stop, munch on some chips, and take in the sights here on the
side of the road.
Nice scenery.
Cheesecake shot...
Even the roadside is lovely.
Koala in their natural environment.
There was a spot,
Kennett River, notated on the map, and we missed it, turned around, and then
started up this gravel road. Even though it was day, they were out and
munching away happily. Normally, they are more nocturnal, but I'm guessing
with the overcast, they were more active than usual during the day.
I like this shot.
Another in a ghost gum tree.
Named for the white smooth bark...
Above are 3 shots of a mother with her cub, both happily being watched while
they dine.
All they do is EAT and enjoy
The view from the road.
Cute little buggers...
the effects from the eucalyptus!
A couple really pretty birds.
Lesly is lovin' life!
Paul finds Koala poop!
The boys like their chocolate ice cream.
Mom needs to work on Patrick's style.
The Twelve Apostles, the first time:
We visited here twice, this was as the sun was setting, and the southern wind
was vicious; cold, damp and strong.
I told you it was WINDY!
Prepping for dinner at our nice cabin:
2 bedrooms and a loft with twin beds, large kitchen and bathroom.
London Bridge, yep it fell down:
Yes, the southern wind was still there this day as well! Wow, what a view,
though the kids were a bit nervous.
This was another natural formation.
Before we start the walk.
Those stairs go down to the Grotto. Clan Windle... Great
The sea was angry.....
A dry grotto...
The Grotto. There are two levels, the higher
calm water, and the lower sea, when violent,
like today, splashes up into the upper pool.
Me and my gal...
Patrick and Paul...
Paul hates the camera...
That's what I mean by violent.
See, he hates the camera.
Right Whale
Named 'Right' by whalers because they swim slowly, making them easy to hunt, have
lots of oil and float when killed.
Really nice viewing area, but no whales, too windy...
The boys wait and watch
We stopped at the
Lake Pertobe Adventure Playground in
Warrnambool for a couple hours to let the kids burn off some steam. This
is a massive park with everything from a maze to flying foxes! We also stopped in a little
restaurant for a drink and nice meal. I forgot the name, but I'll find it.
It was a good quality meal and service.
Port Ferry, wallaby and the lighthouse:
The lighthouse in the distance.
Right there...
Not a huge lighthouse, eh?
Pretty active seas today, as well.
The Church of St. John in Ballarat: Built in 1854, it is an Anglican Church.
I liked this church, with it's very dark stone structure. It was closed
this evening.
The town of Ballarat and the Canons!
A pelican enjoys a meal.
Cute little riverside town, very quaint and quiet.
The boys had just watched the movie 'The Great Race' and were shouting, 'Push
the Button, Max!' while
playing on the canons. Of course, then it was the 'Not that Button!'
I just REALLY liked these woods behind the canons. I tried to learn a bit
more about the camera in here...
See, great dimples, and she found
some wild onions to plant on the table!
We stopped at a little pizza joint, had a very nice pizza, then off home to pass out. The wind REALLY beats you up!
Breakfast prior to another day of sights!
Loch Ard Gorge, the Blow Hole and Thunder Cave on Sherbrooke Track near the Sherbrooke River:
The water and noise were deafening! Spectacular sight, and we were
thankful for the seas being rough for this!
On the path.
Lesly and Paul...
Yep, Lesly loves the plants!
Here we are!
Lesly and the boys.
She loves the walking trails.
The Twelve Apostles for the 2nd time:
The weather was MUCH more pleasant this time. Morning sun, with a light
breeze. There was a bit of seaside fog, but nothing too bad for driving.
Patrick gets a ride.
Nice underpass for the path.
It was a bit foggy in the distance...
$90 for a 10 minute flight.
We opted to not take the trip..
Great Ocean Road
Cindy caught me.
Ain't she cute...
She sure is!
Just about home:
We stopped at the site of a now extinct, they think, volcano site. the
boys were VERY disappointed there was no hot lava to play in or around.
They didn't quite get how old this volcano is...
The boys on top of the world clowning around a bit.
Patrick stands 'properly.'
Just a cute country church.