Here are some photos of the folks we visited on this trip, as well as a couple short excursions.
Patrick loves to catch a ride.
Playing monopoly. Lesly doesn't The chair of
like how I play????
Cindy gets a bit crazy.
We visited the Royal Melbourne Zoo with the kids.
A bit of horse-play to burn that energy off....
Feeding the penguins, native to the Victoria region.
Great looking cats there, too!
Kardinia Park in Geelong had massive screen televisions set up for free for the
Grand Final Match, which the Geelong Cats won! It was a huge event, but
the photos don't show how many people were really there. the match was
actually played in Melbourne, at the Telstra Field, if I recall.
Hair cut time for the boys.
The ladies LOVE Patrick's curly hair!
Paul is getting serious about his Notice all
the smiles, we really have fun together.
Aussie Rules form!
Very windy, and steep hill. Of course, we had to run up and down a few
times with the boys. Then the
boys decided to roll down. I don't know how they didn't hurl!
We went bowling one afternoon when it was raining.
No idea who won, but we had fun.
Never saw a kids bowling ramp before.
Those boys love reptiles and canons! This is a little lawn ornament and
lawn furniture shop.
Cindy found a rainbow. A visit for the boys and ladies...
The Kincaids, I believe...
David Cindy and I visited Scotchman' Hill vineyard for a tasting, and of course a couple
bottles to go.
Yes, that's the bay, and beyond that is Melbourne on the other side of the bay.
Cindy loved the flowers.
Nice gardening!
Having a chat.
Reading a books, they love to read. No fire in the
Below, we stopped over to Bill and Marge's for a little barbecue. It was a nice afternoon, the kids, and David, played in the road for a bit before and after dining.
Paul is a bit serious about Aussie Rules Football and the Cats!
Paul holds for Patrick.
Not much traffic on the road.
The girls chat in the kitchen a bit. Marge laughing in her kitchen.
David on cook duty.
Some Windle family shots.
Honest, we're being good!
Lesly and Paul.
Marge the hostess.
Chatting at the table.
Patrick and David .
Bill and Marge absolutely love their birds, and their front and backyard always
have some arriving and departing.
Parrots and honey-eats are the two main species here today, though others show
up as well...
It really is always a pleasure to visit with Bill and Marge. They are
Cindy's favorite part of the meal!
such wonderful people, and exemplary hosts!
Playing in the front yard at home. Off somewhere with their
cowboy hats!
Curragundi Garden Trail and Aboriginal Cultural Centre.
He plays the diggerydoo, amazing Paul holds an Emu egg.
you have to circular breath to
get it right.
Two shots of some Emu being fed by the boys. They Love bread!
Hanging with the snake stone.
Typical art placed on large stones, presumably as markers, originally.
We started out with 4 boomerangs to practice with, and found another 9, bringing
back 11 as we lost a few as well...
Barwon Heads, the primary shipping port and entrance through the 'Rip'....
The boys liked lunch of meatpies and such, but the primary goal was the park...
Below, Cindy and I took a late morning and afternoon and walked to Geelong, and explored a bit. We had fish-n-chips for lunch, and they are very good in Australia. Cindy still feels the 'flake' (shark) in Queenscliff is the best she's ever had, a couple years back. On another morning, we took a stroll, and a summer shower caught us out without an umbrella! We got soaked, but were actually already dry upon arriving back home, it was a downpour, but short lived.
St. Mary of the Angels Basilica in Geelong.
It really is a lovely church, with a LOT of character.
St George's Presbyterian Church, also in Geelong. It was open, but we were
a bit tired by this time.
Patrick in the soldier pose...
Paul as a Pirate.
Now they're getting tired...
Me with the two boys horsing around a bit.
Bill watches with amusement, and
a glass of chardonnay.
Nanny and Poppy.
It is always so wonderful to see them, and the boys absolutely love them!
Some photos of the back and side yard at David and Lesly's home. She is
certainly a green thumb person!
We're off to the airport.
As usual, the boys scam me out of my sun-glasses right before we go
through security and get on the airplane.