Our Photo Gallery
Below are the links to our photo pages:
In order to ensure the photos are
properly aligned with the captions, please close all
secondary windows (Favorites, History, etc) in your Web Browser; i.e. Explorer,
Firefox, etc... I plan on
trying to set up cells for the photos and their captions in the future.
Building process in Johnsburg, IL., which officially started on
July 19th 2004.
(Updated November 19th, 2005)
Personal photos.
Here are the pictures of our friends and family, both here and abroad.
(Sorry - nowhere near finished)
(Updated December 29th, 2005)
Vacation Photos Page Here are selected photos from our vacations!
(Thirteen trips finished so far) 
Farm photos
Here are some photos of our farm land in LaHarpe Illinois!
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This site was last updated